We got our letter..Yeah, Yeah, Yeah......Yeah!! I am so excited to be a number on the waiting list for a child/children from Ethiopia!!!! It feels as good as I thought it would! My husband was not home when it came and I didn't want to tell him over the phone. So, I thought of fun ways I could let him know our letter came. This is what I did.........I cut out
Blue circles that represented the number we are on the boy list and
Pink hearts that represented the number we are on the girl list and
Yellow paper for what number we are for siblings and then
Orange for our overall number. I then taped all of the cutouts on the garage door so when he pulled up that's the first thing he saw!
Here are our numbers...
Boy #14
Girl #17
Siblings #2
All #25
We are so excited!!! I love being a number....I love being many numbers! We are going to take all the cutouts off the garage and put them up in ours house and every month when we get our update call we will let our kids take the numbers down one by one!
Here is a pictures of what the garage looked like when Mike came home.
I CAN'T EVEN WRITE HOW EXCITED WE ARE!!!!!! (By the way...we waited 104 days.) BUT IT'S HERE NOW!!!!!
Woohoo! I literally jumped out of my chair when I saw your post. I have been checking hourly, hoping to hear something positive! I am so excited that you are finally a number!
Ohhhhhh I was hoping it would come today!!!! I kept checking your blog!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great way to tell your husband! I LOVE IT!
Did you kiss your mail man?
How wonderful!! So glad to read this post. I do have a question though, what is #25 over all mean? Does that just mean you are the 25th family in line for referrals? And it looks like I have to start praying for more families to have a desire to adopt siblings! There are so many in Ethiopia!
jen in mi
Congrats you guys!!! I've been looking everyday since I talk to you in the Mall!! I'm so HAPPY for you!!!! Love, Trish
Congratulations: I love the way you surprised your husband. After all that wait, maybe you get your referral and travel before us because you are #2 on siblings. I am so happy for you.
Oh, Yay!! I am sooo happy for you! It looks like you better plan on some siblings girl, you're only #2. That is just so exciting! Well it looks like all that praying worked; as if were surprised:) Congrats on being a number; everyone loves to be a number!
Many Blessings!
Yay! FINALLY!!! That had to be rough.
So happy for you!
Dee Dee
Yeah!! What creative excitement you have! I can imagine what you will do when you get your referral...and now it can finally come! Congrats on getting your letter:)
YEA!!!!YEA!!! I have been checking to see whats up with everything. I love the G-door what a great idea!!!!I am so happy for you guys!!!Keep us updated!!!YEA!YEA!YEA!
CONGRATS!!! I am very excited for you! I loved the way you told your hubby too! I might have to borrow your idea when our time comes to be a number...Shannon in PA
How exciting!! I have been waiting right along with you. I can only imagine what waiting 104 days to get on the list feels like and in my imagination is does not feel good - I am so excited for you. I look forward to being a NUMBER more than I can explain.
How incredibly EXCITING! I have been checking your blog waiting for this and now it's here! Yeah Michelle! Doesn't it feel good to be a #!!! I know God has the perfect child/ren waiting for you. I love the way you told your hubby - you are quite imaginative! Congrats again Michelle!
Yippee, Michelle!! I have been checking in often and am so happy for you!!!!
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask - what are your parameters? Just curious if you want to share - but you don't have to :). Have a great day.
You know I'm not really sure! We said we were open to siblings, but our first desire was an infant boy. We had said that we would be interested in an infant with siblings. We never received a number for the siblings list though. I'm sure Julie will let you in on all that, hopfully next week:) You stay on that high, and maybe it will take you to your referral high!! So happy for you!
Many blessings!
I am so happy! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good job!
Hey, Did you read the biweekly report from Christy. She put that there is only 1 family waiting for siblings. That will be you? Also the numbers are different from yours. She had 9 for boys and 13 for girls. Check it out?
I was thinking and maybe they update the numbers of the last biweekly report with the new referrals but they didn't include the new people with CIS letter on this report waiting for Julie to come back. Is the only logical explanation for me. Your numbers are right and the report is right but is not adding the new families on the list. How that sound to you?
We're open to 1 or 2 children up to the age of 24 months. This means we would either get a single, twins 24 months or younger or a sibling group where both kids are younger than 24 months. The reason we're not going older is b/c L & W are only 3 (just turned 3) and we don't want to take their oldest child birth order away. I don't think we were put on the sibling list b/c we're open to single as well. I'm not sure how that list works, but I know Julie will call if there is a sibling referral that matches our parameters. If you want, I can email you more info., but I don't know how to exchange email addresses w/out it being on the web. I know Julie B. has mine so maybe she could forward it to you and then we could go from there :). Talk soon.
We are so excited for you!!!! Yeah, you're a number. Siblings? Wow, you are brave! I read the email and thought it must be someone else, but I'm so glad it is you. Can't wait to get all the numbers updated next week. We are only on the girls list, so we'll be waiting a while longer than you.
I am so glad for you!! What a nice gift to be official! I think I'll go check my mail....:) Jana
Oh, how absolutely wonderful! Yay yay yay!!! I am so excited for you.
I love your garage cutout idea...and the part about taking them off every time. Awesome. I'm so excited and ready for you to start taking down numbers!
YEAH! I'm so happy for you guys! I have been checking everyday. I love your fun and creative style of doing things...I would so do something like that for my hubby. Now we can be excited to hear how your numbers change each month. Congrats and I'm hoping we wont be too much farther behind you :)
I am kind of bummed because I know our home study is at the office, but Martha is out through Thursday : ( I feel bad telling you, but I know our FDLs come pretty quick here too. I think it takes two weeks.
Wow! I am so happy to hear some good news for you guys! I have been wondering what was going on over there!! I can't believe I missed the garage door, I would've loved to see it but that explains what's on the window...I was wondering what was going on! So happy for you guys!!
O.K. I feel really dumb now. I was out for a jog and as I went buy your house I realized there was nothing on the window! I must have been remembering those Christmas decorations!! But I think the window would be a great place to put all of those hearts, circles and numbers!
feels good to be missed, thank you!!! Keep me updated!!!
I can't remember if I have left a comment here before, but I got your message on my blog and I wanted to come and say hi. I love how you told your husband, that is so cute I may have to borrow your idea. I look forward to following your journey!
I loved this idea!! I can't wait to have that same feeling!
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